Fun and Mess Free Gingerbread House Activity for Kids
Guys!!!! Can you believe Christmas is Saturday!! I may only have two Christmas gifts right now buuuut that isn't what this post is about (pray my strength though lol). We all love to do different Christmas activities with our families, one of them especially is building gingerbread houses (at least for us)! We did this last year and while it was fun, my goodness was it messy and the kids kept trying to eat the icing and candy and Lord only knows what is in that stuff lol (yes I’m that mom). I also kinda found it difficult to get everything to stick properly and the whole house not come tumbling down like Jack and Jill lol. It’s a cute idea in theory but in real life, No thanks! lol
Now if you have similar thoughts and feelings on these crumbling messes of gingerbread houses, keep reading. If not, keep reading anyway lol as I have an alternative gingerbread house activity that may interest you as well as the whole family! It’s called the EASY Playhouse Gingerbread House and you can get it on Amazon.
First of all, how cute is this!! My sister gifted this to my daughters (yaaaay for aunties) and man it is like the gift that keeps on giving lol. The pieces come in a box and it's pretty straightforward to put together. It may have taken us a bit longer because my girls were so eager to play in this little cute gingerbread house that every time we got a piece up, they knocked it down lol. But once up were absolutely thrilled and it kept them occupied and playing for at least two hours that day as well as the days to come! They colored it, played in it.
They even ate their snacks in it lol. I mean honestly I couldn’t believe how enamored they were with this cardboard box, I mean gingerbread house lol but I loved seeing their creativity and pretend events they had at the gingerbread house. Best of All, Hubs and I got a second to just breathe.
I kid I kid lol.This will more than likely become a staple in our house as they continue to color and add to it as It’s a win win for everyone! So try it out! And who says this can only be just for the holidays!? Just get it (even if you are reading this in July LOL) and thank me later! Please feel free to share and comment how your family liked this alternative gingerbread house!
ps. Just in case you want something different then the gingerbread house, checkout the Easy Playhouse Dinosaur House.